
Dermal Fillers

Dermal Filler treatment involves injecting substances bio-friendly to human body (such as hyaluronic acid, PCL, PLLA, etc.) into areas lacking facial volume, improving sunken volumes and uneven lines, and depressed wrinkles. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and typically lasts from 6 months to 1 year. Performed under partial anesthesia in a non-surgical manner, using biodegradable components for stability.
Recommended for Those concerned about lacking facial volume or deep wrinkles
Treatment Area Low nasal bridge, snub nose, weak chin, forehead, cheek fat, under eyes, lips, etc.
Special Traits Compared to surgical methods (implant insertion), there is relatively less swelling and bruising. Patients can return right back to their daily routines
Immediate transformation into a more voluminous youthful face!
Dermal Fillers

Revitalization of dull and sunken areas!
Inartifical improvement of facial lines!

Dermal Fillers


Dermal Filler treats facial areas that needs volume such as fine lines across face and depressed spots by injecting bio-friendly material.


  • Wrinkle

  • Volume

  • Skin elasticity

  • Authentic product
    Righteous quantity

Dermal Fillers

Customized filler that fits my face perfectly!

  • 1

    I was born like this Inartifical facial feature volume improvements through tailored design

  • 2

    Simultaneous improvement of wrinkle and volume Undefined and depressed volume and wrinkles can both be improved at the same time

  • 3

    Bio-friendly Dermal Fillers Made from hyaluronic acid, PCL, PLLA, etc., Dermal Fillers will mostly decompose over time

Expected results from Dermal Fillers

Absorbing moisture aprx. 100 times for volumizing effect!

The main ingredient of Dermal Fillers, hyaluronic acid, attracts moisture about 100 times, resulting in a volumizing effect. Dermal Fillers consist of various particles in size and type, it is a must to choose the right product for different facial areas and skin conditions.

Dermal Fillers specialties

  • Point.

    Variety of Dermal Filler brands

    Appropriate Dermal Fillers are inserted for different treatment area and facial lines

  • Point.

    1:1 customized treatment

    Detailed 1:1 consultation and designs for every patient for maximized custom treatment

  • Point.

    Authentic product/Reasonable Quantity

    MInMI uses internationally approved safe and authentic products and inject enough product during procedures

Types of Dermal Filler treament

1mm detail. Inartificial volume for depressed areas!

  • Forehead fillers

    Giving voluminous looks from forehead to nose, and cheekbones! No more worrying about short and wide foreheads

  • Nose fillers

    Inartifical lines from forehead to tip of the nose. Improve Roman nose, button nose, and crooked nose

  • Cheek and jaw fillers

    Correct sunken, depressed cheeks, nasolabial folds, and asymmetrical face! Improve facial symmetry and volume

  • Lip fillers

    Small lips and sagging lip corners can be improved with natural looking fullness

  • Jawline fillers

    Voluminous face features by improving short and uneven jawlines, double chin, blunt jawlines

Check it

Dermal Filler is recommended for:


    Those concerned about forehead/glabellar wrinkles, sunken or dull forehead


    Those who want to improve poor nose features(low nasal bridge, snub nose, uneven nasal bridge)


    Those with sunken cheek, eye bags, poor cheekbone volume


    Those who wish for better smile lines, lip volume/lines, and jawline


    Those who want to improve overall facial volume/lifting

MInMI Dermal Fillers for better facial volume and smoother face lines


MInMI Fillers

  • Nose

    Sharp nose

  • Forehead

    Voluminous forehead

  • Nasolabial folds or cheeks

    Cheeks with elasticity

  • Lips

    Toning up mouth area

  • Chin

    Defined and contoured face


Precautions and Side Effects After Dermal Fillers Treatment


    Avoid touching the treatment are for 6 hours minimum. You can gently wash your face and put small amount of makeup on then.


    Avoid intense heat or cold surroundings such as tanning before all swelling or bleeding fades.


    You may experience swelling, redness, mild pain, sensitive skin, changes in skin color, which are all natural side effects. These symptoms should fade 1-2 days from the day of treatment. (If the symptoms continue or get worse, and the pigmentation turns red and dark, visit the clinic.)


    If taking aspirin or any medication similar, notify the medical staff before the treatment. These medication can cause bleeding or bruises.


    Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking for approximately 7 days after the treatment.


    Avoid putting pressure on the treated area for 2-3 weeks to prevent any contortion.


    You may experience mild pain on the treated area for 1 week up to 1 month. If the symptoms worsen, please visit the clinic.


    Avoid massages, intensely heated areas such as sauna, and exercising for approximately 2 weeks. (Dermal Filler material disintegrates faster when exposed to heat.)


    Avoid wearing glasses or sunglasses that puts pressure on the nose bridge after nose fillers.


    Avoid laughing too hard for 2 weeks after nasolabial folds treatment. Filler material might move accordingly with muscular movement.


    You may experience chapped lips after lip fillers, put on plenty of lip balms.


    Forehead fillers may swell or look uneven for 2-3 days. Avoid massages or wearing accessories such as caps or hats for 1 month. Sleep in a position where it does not put pressure on the forehead.


    Dermal Fillers take 2-4 weeks to completely settle. Follow the medical staff's instructions and precautions after Dermal Fillers treatment.



시술전후사진 필러 : 낮은 콧대/ 코라인 개선,무턱 개선,꺼진 이마/주름 개선

